Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wedding Dresses, Puppies, and April Rain

Good things. Spring is about suddenly noticing all the green that’s around and tulips- colorful and optimistic, alongside azalea bushes- with their ephemeral pink blossoms. It’s about listening carefully for singing birds that have returned. It’s about enjoying the sound of fresh April rain pattering on a Sunday morning while a playful, curious, happy puppy bites his toys, misbehaving occasionally to chew the shoes someone left out or the bottom of the furniture. Winter is a distant memory, its colorless, acrimonious resolve carried away.

Lindsay was released from the hospital on Tuesday, all 88 pounds of her. She had lost 6 pounds. When I brought her home, it reaffirmed my decision to get my puppy, Sonny, who greeted her excitedly, as she entered the house. It’s still melancholy coming home without Coco loyally awaiting our return; but that sadness is diminished with our golden boy jumping into your arms and licking your face with puppy kisses (not to mention the fact that he blends in perfectly with the color of our couch). I know the antibiotics cured Lindsay in the hospital, but the spring sunshine and fragrant air and Sonny are helping to restore her health more at home. She is trying to introduce food back into her system, gradually, to put her weight back on, so that her wedding dress doesn’t fall off of her.

Yesterday, the three of us, Kim, Lindsay and I, went to the bridal shop to see Lindsay’s wedding dress for the first time. Of course, we had seen her in the dress, before, but this was her dress- the one that was ordered to fit her petite little body. We were supposed to do this last Thursday, but pancreatitis stole that moment from us. We stood outside the door as the salesgirl helped Lindsay get dressed. This is one of those moments in life, when you want to stop time, just to take in each and every precious detail. The anticipation of seeing your girl in her dress for the first time…and then the door opens and there she is. My heart, breaking just a week ago from seeing Lindsay curled up in a hospital bed, is rejuvenated from this delicate and beautiful sight. It takes my breath away.

It is Sunday morning. Everyone is sleeping, except for me. I am enjoying the green outside my window, the rain quietly beating on the lawn and thinking about my girl in her wedding dress.

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